

This app was created for Gov hack 2022 to track and compair Carbon useage on Public transport. ---- Video ---- Project Home

View the Project on GitHub brockwalls/govhack22

Govhack22 Project for Public Transport

This project aims to used both ABS and ACT supplied data to improve sustainable behaviours around the use of public transport in the ACT.

The TransCO2 website does this by addressing the uptake, CO2 output and Pricing of the ACT’s public transport usage from two sides. The first being the side of the commuter and the second being the side of the transport planner.

Start using the website

Commuter Site

Network Planner Site

Features of the TransCO2 Website

Commuter Side

Transport Planner Side

Introduction of a Mobile Site

Whilst the TransCO2 does work on mobile in the current state with further developments a specific mobile app could be developed. Some screenshots of this potential app can be seen below.

Project by: Brock Walls, Josh Schuck, Riley Small, Franz Strasser, Liam Maki & Max McDonald